1% for Education Fund

Since 1947, Maped has become over the years a key player in back-to-school in more than 125 countries around the world, giving children around the world access to high-quality products.
In parallel with its mission as a school supplier, the company has always been committed to supporting educational projects, particularly through product donations. In Europe, Latin America and Asia, through the group’s subsidiaries, distribution network and employees, thousands of children have been able to benefit from Maped products and thus equip themselves to learn.
In 2021, Maped structures and develops its sponsorship action by creating the 1% For Education Fund. Aiming to finance the maximum number of initiatives in favour of education around the world!
With several hundred million products sold around the world, some of which will see 1% of their turnover donated to the Fund, we are convinced that we can participate at our level in improving the education of many children around the world.
The missions of the 1% For Education fund
- Facilitating access to school, regardless of the child’s place of life, disability or origin
- Equipping for learning, so that every child can go to school with the supplies they need
- By fighting against early school leaving, so that schooling continues to the end
- By valuing creativity, especially through manual experimentation
- By allowing each child to discover and develop their own talents
- By supporting innovative educational projects and new forms of education
Beyond financial support, the fund’s objective is also to enable human adventures. It allows maped group employees to get involved in projects with associations and to give their time to participate in the action of partner associations.
The first projects supported
The Shechem Association
Created by a Haut-Savoyarde who fell in love with Senegal and was marked by the difficulties of access to education in this country, the Shechem association’s mission is to contribute to development and education throughout French-speaking Africa.
The first school of the association opened its doors in 2017, in the village of La Somone in Senegal. In 2020, 70 children are enrolled in school from the age of 2, some with disabilities. Thanks to the association and teaching of local teachers, they learn to read, write, count and acquire the basics of the French language, a skill necessary for the pursuit of schooling.
1% For Education is committed to working alongside the association to offer access to education to all children in the country. In the first place by allowing him to finalize the construction of the current school and thus cover the entire cycle of primary school.
In June 2021, 9 volunteer Maped employees committed to their holidays to participate in the construction of the new classrooms and to lead workshops with children. A rich and unique experience, a real awareness of the country’s problems.

The association Ma Chance Moi Aussi
The association, based in Chambéry, was created by André Payerne, an industrialist from Haut-Savoyard, who noted the social inequality that exists in the disadvantaged suburbs of our country. Himself mobilized to transmit to the children of very fragile families fundamental values, to offer them an awakening to various activities and an opening to the world, he created Ma Chance Moi Aussi in 2015. The mission of the association is simple: to offer the same chances of success to all children!
Through these institutions, more than 200 children aged 5 to 16, 92% of whom come from families below the poverty line, are offered a chance to succeed in school.
The strong presence of the association in the Rhône-Alpes region, and the alignment of their mission and that of the 1% For Education fund have naturally led us to want to support its development and help it spread its innovative model throughout France.
Maped employees are associated with the association’s project by imagining workshops for children from different schools. So many opportunities to help them develop their creativity, to discover the world of business or to understand how a new product is born!

The association Grandir et Création
The Annecy association “Grandir et Création” was created 5 years ago. Its mission: to support parents and education professionals who wish to set up initiatives to strengthen children’s connection to nature, to themselves and to others.
In 2021, the association “Grandir et Création” launches the first edition of the Festival des Jeunes en Action. The objective is to bring together as many actors and initiatives as possible from the department and at the national level, who share the desire to allow children to feel that they are part of the society in which they live, to gain confidence in their creative resources, and to choose to grow as agents of change, confident, creative and fulfilled.
This event was made possible thanks to the financial support of partners like Maped through the 1% For Education fund.